Footnotes #201 to #400 for the Family History of Ralph Carlton WITCRAFT.
Source citations may include page numbers and notes not shown here. There is also more documentation (i.e. 'Added Notes' etc) for most entries.
Full source citations and the added documentation are available on the CD version of this Ralph Carlton WITCRAFT Family History.
Questions, comments, additions & corrections should be sent to the
author, Terry J. Booth, at email address
201. | Lucas, James Llewellyn, Thomas Lucas of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1650-1678 and His Descendants., (Written and published by James Llewllyn Lucas, 84 Bolton St., Hamden CT 06518. email Available as word document with Excel file, and as a pdf document. It is an invaluable resource for all of the early Lucas families in Plymouth Co. and elsewhere in Massachusetts, relying a great deal on town vital records, cemetery records, and some family documents.) | |
202. | Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society of, Lineage Books of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, (Published by the D.A.R., Washington DC. Over 150 volumes containing the names and pedigree for each approved application. Over 200,000 women have now qualified, and perhaps 200 volumes of records have been published. Sets of the books may be found in may libraries.) | |
203. | Ibid. | |
204. | Lucas, James Llewellyn, Thomas Lucas of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1650-1678 and His Descendants., (Written and published by James Llewllyn Lucas, 84 Bolton St., Hamden CT 06518. email Available as word document with Excel file, and as a pdf document. It is an invaluable resource for all of the early Lucas families in Plymouth Co. and elsewhere in Massachusetts, relying a great deal on town vital records, cemetery records, and some family documents.) | |
205. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
206. | Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society of, Lineage Books of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, (Published by the D.A.R., Washington DC. Over 150 volumes containing the names and pedigree for each approved application. Over 200,000 women have now qualified, and perhaps 200 volumes of records have been published. Sets of the books may be found in may libraries.) | |
207. | Crow, James Homer, Short Stories of the Jacob Crow Family, (Self-published, about 1980. from the Preface: To recall the story my father gave verbally to my brothers so the story of the Crow Massacre and many others could be read at the first Crow Reunion in 1929 . . To place on record several other stories pertaining to the clan . . To bring up to the present date 1980, the Crow History . . Can be found on microfilm in the LDS library.) | |
208. | Lucas, James Llewellyn, Thomas Lucas of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1650-1678 and His Descendants., (Written and published by James Llewllyn Lucas, 84 Bolton St., Hamden CT 06518. email Available as word document with Excel file, and as a pdf document. It is an invaluable resource for all of the early Lucas families in Plymouth Co. and elsewhere in Massachusetts, relying a great deal on town vital records, cemetery records, and some family documents.) | |
209. | Ibid. | |
210. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
211. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
212. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
213. | McCoy, Jennifer, McCoy Family Tree, ( tree containing McNea, McNay and McGaughey. Some records from Ethel Mae McCONNELL in Boston Transcript and from David Bier Gettysburg Historical Society. Found at db=jennifermccoy, email is | |
214. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
215. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
216. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
217. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1880 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1880.) | |
218. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
219. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
220. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
221. | Ibid. | |
222. | Ibid. | |
223. | Lucas, James Llewellyn, Thomas Lucas of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1650-1678 and His Descendants., (Written and published by James Llewllyn Lucas, 84 Bolton St., Hamden CT 06518. email Available as word document with Excel file, and as a pdf document. It is an invaluable resource for all of the early Lucas families in Plymouth Co. and elsewhere in Massachusetts, relying a great deal on town vital records, cemetery records, and some family documents.) | |
224. | Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society of, Lineage Books of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, (Published by the D.A.R., Washington DC. Over 150 volumes containing the names and pedigree for each approved application. Over 200,000 women have now qualified, and perhaps 200 volumes of records have been published. Sets of the books may be found in may libraries.) | |
225. | Ibid. | |
226. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
227. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
228. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
229. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
230. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
231. | Lucas, Mary Lee and the Attorneys for the Children of Mary and Benjamin Lucas, Deed of Land Sale and Washington Co., PA Deed Index by Grantor., (Washington Co., Pennsylvania Court House.) | |
232. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
233. | Ibid. | |
234. | Ibid. | |
235. | Ibid. | |
236. | Parrot, Pauline Young, Our Lucas Family and Steps to the Mayflower, (A family genealogy prepared by Pauline Young Parrott, gr grand-dau of Mary Lucas and William Brown McNay of Greenfield IA. Contains 50 numbered pages. Available from the LDS library on microfim (film #1846157), the film was badly copied since the book was typed on thin paper and all pages have an image from the page below that often makes the top page near unreadable. But the book has invaluable information about Mary Lucas, her father Benjamin and his family, and her grandfather Isaac and his family.) | |
237. | Lucas, Mary Lee and the Attorneys for the Children of Mary and Benjamin Lucas, Deed of Land Sale and Washington Co., PA Deed Index by Grantor., (Washington Co., Pennsylvania Court House.) | |
238. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1900 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is 1 Jun 1900.) | |
239. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
240. | Lucas, Mary Lee and the Attorneys for the Children of Mary and Benjamin Lucas, Deed of Land Sale and Washington Co., PA Deed Index by Grantor., (Washington Co., Pennsylvania Court House.) | |
241. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
242. | Lucas, Mary Lee and the Attorneys for the Children of Mary and Benjamin Lucas, Deed of Land Sale and Washington Co., PA Deed Index by Grantor., (Washington Co., Pennsylvania Court House.) | |
243. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
244. | Crow, James Homer, Short Stories of the Jacob Crow Family, (Self-published, about 1980. from the Preface: To recall the story my father gave verbally to my brothers so the story of the Crow Massacre and many others could be read at the first Crow Reunion in 1929 . . To place on record several other stories pertaining to the clan . . To bring up to the present date 1980, the Crow History . . Can be found on microfilm in the LDS library.) | |
245. | Ibid. | |
246. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
247. | Ibid. | |
248. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
249. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
250. | Ibid. | |
251. | Ibid. | |
252. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1920 Census of the United Sates, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jan 1920.) | |
253. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
254. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
255. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
256. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
257. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
258. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
259. | Taylor, Dora Ann Editor, History of Lucas and Simison Families, (An apparently self published book with no place or date. Poorly organized and lacking sources, it is nonetheless a credible genealogy apparently based primarily on family records, with some gravestone inscriptions, and a variety of source documents primarily associated with the Kerr and Elder families. Contains a letter of Isaac Lucas b.1759 and Isaac Lucas b.1811 (son of Isaac's son Ezra) found nowhere else.) | |
260. | Ibid. | |
261. | Ibid. | |
262. | Lucas, James Llewellyn, Thomas Lucas of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1650-1678 and His Descendants., (Written and published by James Llewllyn Lucas, 84 Bolton St., Hamden CT 06518. email Available as word document with Excel file, and as a pdf document. It is an invaluable resource for all of the early Lucas families in Plymouth Co. and elsewhere in Massachusetts, relying a great deal on town vital records, cemetery records, and some family documents.) | |
263. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
264. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1900 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is 1 Jun 1900.) | |
265. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1880 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1880.) | |
266. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1850 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1850.) | |
267. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
268. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
269. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
270. | Crow, James Homer, Short Stories of the Jacob Crow Family, (Self-published, about 1980. from the Preface: To recall the story my father gave verbally to my brothers so the story of the Crow Massacre and many others could be read at the first Crow Reunion in 1929 . . To place on record several other stories pertaining to the clan . . To bring up to the present date 1980, the Crow History . . Can be found on microfilm in the LDS library.) | |
271. | Family Members, dates transcribed by Volunteers, Cemetery Records, West Finley Cemetery, Washington Co., PA, (Transcriptions of all the cemetery markers have been placed online courtesy of Karen Hucko. Care must be used with the transcriptions, as while the dates appear appropriate, some of the attributions of spouses - which don't appear on the gravestone - are in error. For instance, Benjamin's wife Mary Lee is mistakenly identified as the wife of his brother William, even though William's wife died 10 years earlier.) | |
272. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1860 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1860.) | |
273. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1870 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 1 Jun 1870.) | |
274. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1910 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is as of 15 Apr 1910.) | |
275. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1900 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is 1 Jun 1900.) | |
276. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
277. | Ibid. | |
278. | Various, LDS International Genealogical Index, (Record submitted by an LDS member with no source indicated. It should be regarded as requiring further proof. Found at | |
279. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
280. | Ibid. | |
281. | Ibid. | |
282. | Ibid. | |
283. | Ibid. | |
284. | Ibid. | |
285. | U.S. Department of Commerce, 1900 Census of the United States, (As found on website. Official enumeration date is 1 Jun 1900.) | |
286. | Lee, J[ohn]. N[ewton]., Memoranda of the Lees and Cognate Families--for three hundred years back--gathered chiefly from family sources, (Waukegan, Illinois : Dekay Brothers, 1898; 47 pages. A short but honest and credible book about the descendants of George Lee and Jennette Dinsmore, who were the author's grandparents. Two of George Lee's daughters (Mary and Jane, who were Aunts of the author) married sons of Isaac Lucas (Benjamin and Berridge) and a third (Hannah) married a grandson of Isaac Lucas (John Templeton Lucas son of John Lucas and his first wife Polly Templeton) - the children and grandchildren of each of these marriages are identified and traced. The author, John Newton Lee, was b. 1828, son of William Lee who was brother to Mary 'Polly' Lee, wife of Benjamin Lucas. The short book was compiled from 'family sources', no doubt Bibles given the religious tradition of the family.) | |
287. | Ibid. | |
288. | Ibid. | |
289. | Ibid. | |
290. | Morrison, Leonard Allison, Among the Scotch-Irish : and a tour in seven countries, in Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and Italy : With History of Dinsmore Family, (Damrel & Upham; Boston MA; 1891. Dinsmore genealogies in Chapter XVI, pages 19-40. Contains a reasonably accurate genealogy of the various sons of Adam Dinsmore b.1765 in County Antrim Ireland - the children immigrated to York Co. and elsewhere in Pennsylvania. Available online as an 'Family & Local Histories' title.) | |
291. | Ibid. | |
292. | Ibid. | |
293. | Ibid. | |
294. | Brown, Coralynn - email, Thomas Hubbard Tree, (Found at Primary source is Edward Warren Day; '1000 Years of Hubbard History, 866 to 1895'; Harlan Page Hubbard, New York; 1895. A credible tree of the early Hubbards, marred only by reciting the myth that Thomas Hubbard was Thomas Higbee (but at least the difference in last names is clearly noted). Good references for James, Samuel and Ruth.) | |
295. | Johnson, Nellie Willard, The Descendants of Robert Burdick of Rhode Island, (The Syracuse Typesetting Co., Inc. Syracuse, N.Y., 1937) | |
296. | Ibid. | |
297. | Ibid. | |
298. | Ibid. | |
299. | Ibid. | |
300. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
301. | Johnson, Nellie Willard, The Descendants of Robert Burdick of Rhode Island, (The Syracuse Typesetting Co., Inc. Syracuse, N.Y., 1937) | |
302. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
303. | Brown, Coralynn - email, Thomas Hubbard Tree, (Found at Primary source is Edward Warren Day; '1000 Years of Hubbard History, 866 to 1895'; Harlan Page Hubbard, New York; 1895. A credible tree of the early Hubbards, marred only by reciting the myth that Thomas Hubbard was Thomas Higbee (but at least the difference in last names is clearly noted). Good references for James, Samuel and Ruth.) | |
304. | Ibid. | |
305. | Ibid. | |
306. | Ibid. | |
307. | Ibid. | |
308. | Ibid. | |
309. | Ibid. | |
310. | Carpenter, Amos B., A Genealogical History of the Rehoboth Branch of the Carpenter Family in America as Brought Down from Their English Ancestors (also known as the 'Carpenter Memorial'), (Carpenter & Morehouse; Amherst MA; 1898) | |
311. | Whitcomb, William Arthur, as compiled by Howard Dakin French, Sutton Family, (Published in NEHGR for Jan. 1937, Vol. 91, pages 61-68.) | |
312. | Carpenter, Amos B., A Genealogical History of the Rehoboth Branch of the Carpenter Family in America as Brought Down from Their English Ancestors (also known as the 'Carpenter Memorial'), (Carpenter & Morehouse; Amherst MA; 1898) | |
313. | Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997) | |
314. | Rounds, H. L. Peter Transcriber; Jane Fletcher Fiske & Margaret F. Costello Editors, Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1992) | |
315. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
316. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
317. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
318. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
319. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
320. | Rounds, H. L. Peter Transcriber; Jane Fletcher Fiske & Margaret F. Costello Editors, Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1992) | |
321. | Ibid. | |
322. | Ibid. | |
323. | Whitcomb, William Arthur, as compiled by Howard Dakin French, Sutton Family, (Published in NEHGR for Jan. 1937, Vol. 91, pages 61-68.) | |
324. | Ibid. | |
325. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
326. | Whitcomb, William Arthur, as compiled by Howard Dakin French, Sutton Family, (Published in NEHGR for Jan. 1937, Vol. 91, pages 61-68.) | |
327. | Ibid. | |
328. | Behling, Susanne Lucretia "Sam," Register Reports by Sam Behling, (Found at URL "". Contains NEHGR style register reports for numerous Surnames including Booth, Waite, Hoskins, Marbury and others. The information was collected over a 30 year period by a demanding genealogist, are are believed supported by substantial original source documents such as NEHGR and TAG articles, Family Genealogies, wills etc) | |
329. | Whitcomb, William Arthur, as compiled by Howard Dakin French, Sutton Family, (Published in NEHGR for Jan. 1937, Vol. 91, pages 61-68.) | |
330. | Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997) | |
331. | Richmond, Joshua Bailey, The Richmond Family, (Boston; 1897. Affectionately referred to by many Richmond family genealogists as 'JBR' (for the author's initials), it holds great weight for any descendant. A pdf copy of the book, and other Richmond history, is available at the Richmond Family website, URL = | |
332. | Martin, David Kendall, The Children of Nathaniel4 and Alice (Hackett) Richmond of Taunton, MA, (Published in TAG (The American Genealogist); Vol. 79 (Jan/Apr 2004), pages 82-84.) | |
333. | McNaughton, Yvonne, Jemimah Babcock Line - Partial Download from 'Moms File', ('Moms File' is Listed on (db=dolores). As of 5 Jan 2006 it contained over 5,500 individiuals, each well documented. Contacts: Author/File Keeper Yvonne McNaughton, the site was at one time maintained by Adrienne Kramer, apparently now deceased. Yvonne discovered that Stephen Waite's wife Rebecka Babcock was named in her father John Babcock's will - John in turn is found in the Mayflower Flower Families volume 18/3 as the son of Mayflower dau Jemima Spooner and George Badcock.) | |
334. | Richmond, Joshua Bailey, The Richmond Family, (Boston; 1897. Affectionately referred to by many Richmond family genealogists as 'JBR' (for the author's initials), it holds great weight for any descendant. A pdf copy of the book, and other Richmond history, is available at the Richmond Family website, URL = | |
335. | Westgate, Alice W. A.; Revised by Ann T. Reeves, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 19 : Family of Thomas Rogers, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2000) | |
336. | Richmond, Joshua Bailey, The Richmond Family, (Boston; 1897. Affectionately referred to by many Richmond family genealogists as 'JBR' (for the author's initials), it holds great weight for any descendant. A pdf copy of the book, and other Richmond history, is available at the Richmond Family website, URL = | |
338. | Warden, Rex and Pat,, Worden - Welcome to the Peter Worden Family Genealogy Web Page!, (A well documented website with a Worden genealogy back to Peter I and before. Includes numerous references and citations as well as commentary. URL is The site's sources include Oliver Norton Worden's 1868 'Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden', George Bolton’s book 'Worden Origins', and the quarterly 'Wordens Past', a newsletter published by Worden Family Association.) | |
339. | Thurston, Charles Myrick, Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name in the colony of Rhode Island, (1868; Trow & Smith Book Mfg Co; NY) | |
340. | Irish, Willis Luther and Irish, Stella Bertha Putnam, Descendants of John Irish the Immigrant 1629 - 1965 and Allied Families, (Dingley Press; Freeport ME; 1964. Found in the 'Families and Local Histories' library.) | |
341. | Ibid. | |
342. | Cutter, William Richard, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial : Genealogical and biographical essays on nearly 1,000 New England families, (Series 1. A standard reference for anyone doing research on early New England families.) | |
343. | Thurston, Charles Myrick, Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name in the colony of Rhode Island, (1868; Trow & Smith Book Mfg Co; NY) | |
344. | Irish, Willis Luther and Irish, Stella Bertha Putnam, Descendants of John Irish the Immigrant 1629 - 1965 and Allied Families, (Dingley Press; Freeport ME; 1964. Found in the 'Families and Local Histories' library.) | |
345. | Cutter, William Richard, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial : Genealogical and biographical essays on nearly 1,000 New England families, (Series 1. A standard reference for anyone doing research on early New England families.) | |
346. | Osbore, John Osbourne, The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, Comprising Three Generations of Settlers Who Came Before 1690., (Rev. ed. Baltimore, 1969.) | |
347. | Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997) | |
348. | Various, LDS International Genealogical Index, (Record submitted by an LDS member with no source indicated. It should be regarded as requiring further proof. Found at | |
349. | Thurston, Charles Myrick, Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name in the colony of Rhode Island, (1868; Trow & Smith Book Mfg Co; NY) | |
350. | Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997) | |
351. | Ibid. | |
352. | Osbore, John Osbourne, The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, Comprising Three Generations of Settlers Who Came Before 1690., (Rev. ed. Baltimore, 1969.) | |
353. | Ibid. | |
354. | Various, New England Historical and Genealogical Record, (A quarterly publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the first issue published in 1847. Considered an authoritative and well documented source, with all articles carefully reviewed prior to publication by professional genealogists. Available online 1847-2000 at ( | |
355. | Ibid. | |
356. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
357. | Rounds, H. L. Peter Transcriber; Jane Fletcher Fiske & Margaret F. Costello Editors, Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1992) | |
358. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
359. | Ibid. | |
360. | Rounds, H. L. Peter Transcriber; Jane Fletcher Fiske & Margaret F. Costello Editors, Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to 1850, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1992) | |
361. | Ibid. | |
362. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
363. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
364. | Ibid. | |
365. | Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. (M.D.), Editor, Records of Plymouth Colony: Births, Marriages, Deaths, Burials, and Other Records, 1633-1689, (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.; Baltimore, MD; 1997. Reprinted with "Plymouth Colony Vital Records," a Supplement from _The Mayflower Descendant_ by George Ernest Bowman) | |
366. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
367. | Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. (M.D.), Editor, Records of Plymouth Colony: Births, Marriages, Deaths, Burials, and Other Records, 1633-1689, (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.; Baltimore, MD; 1997. Reprinted with "Plymouth Colony Vital Records," a Supplement from _The Mayflower Descendant_ by George Ernest Bowman) | |
368. | Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 1642-1896, (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co.; Providence, RI; 1897. See also Search & Research Publishing Corp CD "Early Vital Records of Bristol County, Massachusetts to about 1850"; Wheat Ridge, CO; 1998) | |
369. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
370. | Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997) | |
371. | Various, The Complete Mayflower Descendant, Vols. 1-46 (1899-1996), and subsequent issues, (Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Published by Family Tree Maker's Family Archives, CD #203; Broderbund Software, Inc.; 1997) | |
372. | Hodge, Harriet W. and Wakefield, Robert S., FASG, Mayflower Families through Five Generations : Volume 21, Family of John Billington, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; 2001; Plymouth MA 02360) | |
373. | Booth, Terry J., Comment, notes and related reference sources are included with this person's database file., (Notes for this person, including sometimes lengthy text, and a statement(s) of their source(s), will be found in the 'Notes' and/or 'details' sections of their database entry.) | |
374. | Ibid. | |
375. | White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, (Picton Press; Camden ME; 1990 (Vol. 1) and 1993 (Vol 2)) | |
376. | Van Wood, Ralph, Mayflower Families through Five Generations - Vol. 12, Francis Cooke, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1996.) | |
377. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 7 (Second Edition) : Family of Peter Brown, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2002) | |
378. | White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, (Picton Press; Camden ME; 1990 (Vol. 1) and 1993 (Vol 2)) | |
379. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 7 (Second Edition) : Family of Peter Brown, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2002) | |
380. | White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, (Picton Press; Camden ME; 1990 (Vol. 1) and 1993 (Vol 2)) | |
381. | Ibid. | |
382. | Ibid. | |
383. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 7 (Second Edition) : Family of Peter Brown, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2002) | |
384. | Various, New England Historical and Genealogical Record, (A quarterly publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the first issue published in 1847. Considered an authoritative and well documented source, with all articles carefully reviewed prior to publication by professional genealogists. Available online 1847-2000 at ( | |
385. | Wakefield, Robert S., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 7 (Second Edition) : Family of Peter Brown, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 2002) | |
386. | Van Antwerp, Lee D. Compiler, Vital Records of Plymouth, Plymouth, MA - To the year 1850, (Picton Press, Camden, Me. (1993)) | |
387. | Various Town Clerks, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 2 Volumes, (NEHGS, Boston MA; 1916. Found online in 'Family & Local Histories' Collection.) | |
388. | Conant, Frederick Odell M.A., A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America : thirteen generations, 1520-1887, (Privately Printed; Portland ME; 1887. Available online at 'Family & Local Histories.') | |
389. | Ibid. | |
390. | Various Town Clerks, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 2 Volumes, (NEHGS, Boston MA; 1916. Found online in 'Family & Local Histories' Collection.) | |
391. | Merrick, Barbara Lambert & Alicia Crane Williams, Middleborough, Massachusetts Vital Records, 2 vols., (Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants; 1986 - Transcribed from early volumes of .Mayflower Descendants' Journal. Also found in various internet databases containing vital records from Massachusetts and other towns, including Middleborough, such as | |
393. | Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford (Compiler); edited by Alicia Crane Williams, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 16, John Alden, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1999 (Part 1), 2004 (Part 3)) | |
394. | Ibid. | |
395. | Various, New England Historical and Genealogical Record, (A quarterly publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the first issue published in 1847. Considered an authoritative and well documented source, with all articles carefully reviewed prior to publication by professional genealogists. Available online 1847-2000 at ( | |
396. | Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford (Compiler); edited by Alicia Crane Williams, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations : Volume 16, John Alden, (General Society of Mayflower Descendants; Plymouth MA; 1999 (Part 1), 2004 (Part 3)) | |
397. | Van Antwerp, Lee D. Compiler, Vital Records of Plymouth, Plymouth, MA - To the year 1850, (Picton Press, Camden, Me. (1993)) | |
399. | Van Antwerp, Lee D. Compiler, Vital Records of Plymouth, Plymouth, MA - To the year 1850, (Picton Press, Camden, Me. (1993)) | |
400. | Ibid. | |
401. | Ibid. | |
402. | Ibid. | |
403. | Roser, Susan E., Mayflower Increasings, (2nd. ed., 1996) | |